Back in the Saddle

on Friday, July 2, 2010
The jury has spoken, I have decided, and I know what I'm writing.

It's Effulgent Corruption. Yep, I went back to it. It has the most planning, the best ideas (so far), and I think will be the easiest to write. It'll be a longer task than a 70k YA novel, but I think I'm up to it.

It took me long enough to realize this is what I should write, but an email from my friend Eric solidified it. I sent him the first chapter of Graffiti, as well as the first chapter of Effulgent Corruption, without any instructions except "here's some stuff I'm working on." The general impression I got was EC was a better bet, which is what I'd secretly been telling myself this entire time, but I refused to admit it.

So yeah, I'm back to being an epic fantasy author. Go me? Plus, it's both a gritty and dark book, which is fun because I have the unrestrained ability to be a total jerk to my characters. Which I will be.

I also went for a "Writing Walk" for the first time in weeks, and it did me a world of good. I know now where the next few chapters in EC will go, and once I pass those, I'm sure I'll think of something.

So, that is it! Wrote about 1.1k in about thirty minutes, hit a chapter break, and will write more tonight. Goal is to get really into this book so I can get back into the 3-5k a day groove.

In other news, I just chipped a crown while writing this. I guess every good thing has to be countered by something bad, but whatever. Screw you, fate!

Expect Effulgent Corruption updates as they come.


Derek Bown said...

Good. Stick to Epic Fantasy. I'm the one trying to carve my niche as a YA writer!

Anonymous said...

Good luck!

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